ABANG / Visual artist, Illustrator
서울을 베이스로 활동하는 비주얼아티스트 아방입니다. 일상과 비일상의 오묘한 경계 위에서 나답고 자유롭게 살아가려는 사람들의 모습을 경쾌한 색감으로 풀어냅니다. 전시 뿐 아니라 스포티파이, 발렌티노 등 글로벌 브랜드를 비롯해 방송, 제품, 패션브랜드와 같은 다양한 기업과도 활발히 협업하며 아방다운 스타일을 만들어 가고 있습니다. 조형물과 공간 디렉팅, 꼴라주 등 일관된 무드 안에서 영역을 확장하는 중입니다.
Abang is a visual artist based in Seoul. Her signature illustrations are fanciful and witty expressions of everyday life. Abang’s work ranges from brand collaboration / commissioned work to publication, exhibitions, classes and various personal projects. Some of her new explorations include spacial direction, collage art and sculptures.
Asics / Belief / Bgbg records / Discovery / Dunhill / Glo / Hand&Malt / Hp / Ikea / Intel / Jtbc / Kitsune Musique / Lisabae / Lotte / Luckychouette / Margarine fingers / Mbc / Naver / Nuvo10 / NewYork Times / Puma / Samsung / Seoul Fashion Week / Simmons / Spotify / Sulwhasoo / Thyren Korea / Tools magazine / Tvn / Yuhan-Kimberly / Valentino / Vogue Korea / Wconcept / 여기어때
Commercial / Commissioned work
진작다이닝 / Commercial illustration
여기어때 / Goods collaboration
Glo / Skin, package illustration
Lotte department store / Paintings for the exterior
Discovery / Pattern illustration
Hand&Malt / Commercial illustration
Kitsune Musique / Commercial illustration
Wconcept / Commercial illustration
Valentino / emoji illustration
Spotify / Promotion illustration
TVN / Artworks for TV drama set
Simmons / Commercial illustration
NewYork times magazine / Commercial illustration
Intel / online commercial shoot
Margarine fingers / Lookbook illustration
Vogue Korea / Cover artwork
Sulwhasoo / Brand artwork and exhibition
Naver Onstage / performance display illustration
MBC / Scene illustraton
Asics / Brand artwork and exhibition
Belief / Brand artwork
Bunga Bunga Records: Hoksimolla / Album artwork illustration
HP ZBook / online commercial shoot
Samsung, Note / PyeongChang Winter Olympics, Samsung PR Hall Lecture
Yuhan-Kimberly “Feel Good” / packaging illustration
Glo / Brand artwork and exhibition
Lisabae / Commercial illustration
Ikea / Exhibition and live drawing session
Puma / Campaign illustration
JTBC <Listen to Love> / Teaser illustration
Nuvo 10 / Product illustration
Thyren / 16FW pattern illustration
Solo Exhibition
<Everything is drama, even this good weather> / 37a, Seoul (2024)
<Sun, don't go> / Gallery ERD, Seoul (2023)
<Escape> / Unplugged Gallery, Seoul (2023)
<Flowers don't cry> / Gallery ERD, Busan (2022)
<The mooood I love> / Vista Walkerhill Print bakery, Seoul (2021)
<Two Names of Beauty> / Lotte Gallery, Seoul (2018)
Group Exhibition
<Art Busan> / Gallery Rae, Objecthood, Seoul (2024)
<Face> / MHK Gallery, Seoul (2023)
<Wonderland at The Shilla Jeju> / The Shilla Jeju, Jeju (2023)
<Focus> / PBG Gallery, Seoul (2022)
<8F Figure> / Gallery Subtitled, NewYork (2022)
<Thirsty enthusiasm> / Gallery BK, Seoul (2022)
<Episode 1. Real touch> / Gallery Rae, Busan (2022)
<Rejoice> / Lotte Gallery, Dongtan (2022)
<It Style> / Lotte Gallery, Seoul (2018)
<꼭 재밌는 일이 일어날 것만 같아> 상상출판 (2022)
<아방의 그림수업 멤버 모집합니다> 휴머니스트 (2019)
<The poster book> 북21 (2019)
<인생은 고양이처럼> 북라이프 (2018)
<미쳐도 괜찮아 베를린> 달출판사 (2014)
Book / Magazine illustration
미래를 구하러 온 초보인간 / 김영사 / Cover illustration
기차와 생맥주 / 북스톤 / Cover illustration
언니들의 마음공부 / 수오서재 / Cover illustration
이토록 사랑스러운 삶과 연애하기 / 위즈덤하우스 / Cover illustration
아빠가 육아휴직을 결정했다 / 북하우스 / Cover illustration
우아하게 나이들 줄 알았더니 / 현암사 / Cover illustration
결혼 뒤에 오는 것들 / 푸른숲 / Cover illustration
오늘만 사는 여자 / 허들링북스 / Cover illustration
준최선의 롱런 / 부키 / Cover and inner content illustration
꿈은 미니멀리즘 / 미메시스 / Cover and inner content illustration
집에서 세계여행 / 니들북 / Inner content illustration
Cosmopolitan / Series, inner content illustration
홀딩턴 / 위즈덤하우스 / Cover illustration
나도 낙타가 있다 / 다림 / Cover illustration
어쩌다 싱글 / 좋은씨앗 / Cover illustration
마이 매드팻 다이어리 / 애플북스 / Cover illustration
리비아는 네거야 / 좋은씨앗 / Cover illustration
소비를 그만두다 / 더 숲 / Cover illustration
내 이름은 버터 / 바다출판사 / Cover illustration
Cine21 / Series, inner content illustration
대학내일 / Series, inner content illustration
울랄라 심리카페 / 청림출판 / Cover illustration
Press / Features
KBS 노머니노아트 https://youtu.be/g7CN5VbczX4?si=JTNtGlmWJ_pYISB5
Uniqlo https://www.uniqlo.com/kr/corp/pressrelease/2023/02/post_174.html
YCK http://yck.kr/html/contents/magazine01_view?idx=5823&cate_idx=1
Its Nice That https://www.itsnicethat.com/articles/abang-ladies-illustration-091219
SoYoung Magaznie https://soyoungmagazine.com/so-young-artist-series-2-abang/
어라운드 매거진 https://a-round.kr/lets-dance-draw-and-be-happy/
네이버 디자인판
Neolook https://www.neolook.com/archives/20180629e
경륜경정사업본부 캠페인 <청춘태움> https://youtu.be/3xBKaNE40YA
Arirang tv https://youtu.be/PDPyf2KKL10
디아티스트매거진 http://naver.me/5eMmLeyY
아트플랫폼 / 미술로 대화하다
디자인매거진 CA / 마이폴리오
채널예스 http://ch.yes24.com/Article/View/40693
Speaking / Events
Seoul illustration fair / CA / Speaking
Konyang university / Speaking